Stop Smoking Kentucky and Stop Smoking Indiana provides this website as a public service. Included here is information about the benefits of stopping your deadly use of tobacco and how to go about quitting successfully. Also included is a discussion of several programs that can be utilized to make your stop smoking effort easier. A special emphasis is placed on the advantages of using hypnosis and hypnotherapy as a way of overcoming your tobacco and nicotine habit, because we believe that hypnosis—when conducted correctly—provides all of the elements that are essential for your success.
Our most important message to you is this: Whatever method you use to stop smoking, DO IT NOW! Regardless if you are still in good health or if you are facing a major health crisis, there are many, many benefits to stopping NOW.
The general information provided here contains facts along with the opinions of Stop Smoking Kentucky and Stop Smoking Indiana and should not be used in place of guidance by a medical or mental health professional where applicable.